5 Steps to Fundraising Success

This article will review the steps to increase your chances of a successful fundraiser. It will be helpful for those new to fundraising, as well as provide fresh insights to experienced non-profit leaders.

The 5 steps:


You must first understand why you are raising funds. While the “why” is sometimes overlooked, verbalizing the reason for fundraising effort and knowing where the funds will be spent will yield better outcomes.

Remind yourself of the organization’s mission. The affirmation of the group’s objective helps to reinforce the group’s focus and solidarity, and it will help you start fundraising with the same passion to achieve your organization’s purpose.

Finally, the most passionate employees are those who have a personal investment in the cause. This sense of commitment to the cause, paired with active excitement will make a favorable impression and attract new donors.


The “best” fundraiser for your organization is the one that will be the most lucrative given your resources. It’s the program that’s tailored to your organization’s, cause’s, and community’s requirements and values. The members are, in general, the most crucial aspect in any charity campaign.

The greatest money will be raised by members and/or volunteers who are passionate, devoted, and ready to undertake the effort necessary.

3 Types of Fundraisers:

1. Sales fundraisers make money by selling products like candy, chocolates, and cookies, or providing services like car washes. Raffles may also be thought of as a sale fundraiser because the money raised comes from the selling of raffle tickets.

When it comes to selling fundraising products or food, search for a fundraising company like Gogo-Fund.com that provides a commission of 50% or higher. The higher your commission, the better. Popular examples are: Katydids candies, Chocolatiers, Discount cards, Popcorn, and the $2 Main Street Gummies.

2. Fundraising events create revenue by planning an activity for a certain day and time that involves either inviting people or traveling to where consumers are already present. Expenses should be 30 percent or less of total proceeds for most events initiatives. The smaller your costs, the more your hard-earned donations will go toward your cause.

3. Direct solicitation eliminates the “middleman” of the product or event. Grant-writing, talks with possible contributors, and membership campaigns are all examples of direct solicitation.


One of the most fundamental components of any project is goal planning. The fundraising targets that are required are guided by the budgetary constraints. Your financial goal should be established first, followed by a strategy for achieving that goal through individual fundraisers and campaigns. Each campaign or event should have its own set of financial objectives.

Make a financial plan. You may figure out if you’ll be able to pay the start-up costs and how much money you could potentially generate from the fundraising by creating a budget early in the planning process.


It is necessary to emphasize the importance of volunteer. The more people support your cause, the more money you will make. As many tasks as possible should be delegated to volunteers. Volunteers are more willing to contribute their best efforts now and, in the future, if they feel useful and valued.


Your fundraising campaign is now complete. Your group has put forward a lot of effort to raise money for your cause. Make sure everyone in your organization knows how much money your fundraiser raised and thank all of your volunteers and supporters!

It’s also a good time for a review. This evaluation might take the shape of a meeting, a written survey, or any other format. Look for both positives and areas of improvements in your review. This will be especially helpful should you run future fundraising efforts.

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